The Wives of George Foreman | A Look into the Marriages of the Boxing Legend

George Foreman, known globally as a two-time heavyweight boxing champion, Olympic gold medalist, and successful entrepreneur, has led a life marked by fame, fortune, and personal evolution. While many know him for his prowess in the ring and his popular line of grills, his personal life, particularly his five marriages, has also been a topic of interest. Each of Foreman's marriages reflects a different phase of his life, filled with unique stories and challenges that helped shape the man behind the legend. Let's explore the women who have been part of George Foreman's journey.

Adrienne Calhoun The First Chapter

George Foreman's first wife, Adrienne Calhoun, entered his life in 1971 during his early years as a professional boxer. Foreman's career was just beginning to soar, and his intense focus on the sport coincided with their brief marriage. The couple's relationship lasted only three years, ending in 1974, during a period when Foreman's boxing career was on a meteoric rise. Although details about their relationship are sparse, it's clear that the pressures of a high-profile career and youthful inexperience played a role in their separation. Calhoun has since maintained a private life, away from the public eye.

Cynthia Lewis The Unraveling of a Brief Union

Three years after his first divorce, george foreman wives married Cynthia Lewis in 1977. This second marriage was short-lived, lasting just two years before ending in 1979. During this period, Foreman was grappling with a challenging phase in his career, which saw him lose the heavyweight title to Jimmy Young and subsequently experience a life-changing spiritual awakening. Foreman's near-death experience in the ring dramatically shifted his worldview, leading him to step away from boxing temporarily. The couple's relationship, overshadowed by george foreman wives personal and professional struggles, quietly came to an end as Foreman began to explore his faith more deeply.

Sharon Goodson A Marriage Marked by Transformation

In 1981, Foreman married Sharon Goodson, entering a union that, like his previous marriages, was brief. Lasting only a year, the marriage was set against the backdrop of Foreman's transformative period away from boxing. During this time, Foreman was increasingly focused on his newfound spiritual path, having become an ordained minister and dedicating much of his time to his church and community work. This shift in priorities, alongside the challenges of marriage, contributed to the relationship's short duration. Goodson, like many of Foreman's previous partners, chose a life away from the spotlight, with little public information available about her personal experiences during and after their time together.

Andrea Skeete A Marriage Amidst Life Changes

Foreman's fourth marriage, to Andrea Skeete, began in 1982 and lasted for three years. By this time, Foreman had fully embraced his life as a minister, stepping back from the world of professional sports. The couple had children during their marriage, adding new layers of responsibility and joy to Foreman's evolving personal life. However, despite the shared moments, their marriage ultimately ended in 1985. This chapter of george foreman wives highlights the balancing act of managing personal relationships alongside significant life changes, such as his commitment to his faith and fatherhood.

Mary Joan Martelly The Anchor of Stability

The most enduring and impactful of george foreman wives is his current relationship with Mary Joan Martelly, whom he married in 1985. Unlike his previous unions, Foreman's marriage to Martelly has stood the test of time, spanning nearly four decades. Martelly has been a constant source of support through the many chapters of Foreman's life, from his unexpected return to boxing in the late 1980s, which saw him reclaim the heavyweight championship at 45, to his successful ventures outside the ring.Martelly has not only been a supportive partner but also an active collaborator in Foreman's charitable works. Together, they have raised five children and worked on numerous philanthropic initiatives, focusing on health, youth, and community outreach.

Insights from Foreman Marital Journey

George Foreman's five marriages reflect the different stages of his personal and professional evolution. From the early days of intense focus on boxing, through periods of spiritual transformation and personal growth, to his later years of family stability and business success, each marriage tells a part of his story. His relationships have taught him valuable lessons about commitment, resilience, and the importance of a supportive partner.While Foreman's earlier marriages were marked by brevity and challenges, his enduring relationship with Mary Joan Martelly underscores the significance of finding the right person at the right time. Martelly's unwavering support has allowed Foreman to thrive not just as an athlete and businessman but also as a husband and father.


The story of George Foreman's marriages is a testament to the complexities of life in the public eye. Each of his wives played a unique role in his journey, shaping the man who became a boxing legend, a successful entrepreneur, and a devoted family man. His path through five marriages illustrates not just the trials of love but also the growth that comes from each experience, making Foreman's personal life as fascinating as his professional legacy.

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